Entrepreneurship |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
18 Credit Hours
This program is offered by the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Technology/Management Department. It is available at the St. Louis main campus and at select international campuses. Please see the Locations Offering Undergraduate Programs section of this catalog for a list of campuses where this program is offered.
For information on the general requirements for a certificate, see Certificate under the Academic Policies and Information section of this catalog.
The certificate in entrepreneurship delivers a series of entrepreneurship courses for undergraduate students in business or non-business majors. Courses promote entrepreneurial awareness and thinking among students and develop the necessary real-world skills and abilities to become self-employed or start and grow an entrepreneurial venture.
Students demonstrate these skills by developing and presenting a viable business plan to a review panel made up of successful entrepreneurs in the capstone course. Students completing the program will be awarded a certificate in entrepreneurship from the George Herbert Walker School of Business & Technology.
The program is comprised of 18-credit hours. Students select individual certificate tracks specifically designed for their field of study or passion. A common thread running through all courses provide each student with the opportunity to focus all course projects on their individual business concept.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of the Certificate in Entrepreneurship courses students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the entrepreneurship process.
- Identify and apply entrepreneurship concepts and principles used in developing entrepreneurship action plans.
- Integrate entrepreneurship concepts, research and tactics to effectuate entrepreneurship.
Students must take a total of 12 credit hours of required core courses and 6 credit hours from a major-related list of "track" courses as follows:
Entrepreneurship Core and Capstone
Required for all students
- MNGT 2700 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (3 hours)
- BUSN 3710 Entrepreneurial Financial Management (3 hours)
- MNGT 3720 Entrepreneurial Marketing (3 hours)
- MNGT 4960 Entrepreneurship Capstone (3 hours)
Entrepreneurship Elective Courses
Students must select 6 credit hours specific to their field of study. Additional courses are being added; please see your advisor for current listing of elective courses.
Suggested Track for Walker School of Business Majors
- MNGT 2600 Innovation through Social Impact Organizations (3 hours) (was MNGT 3741)
- MNGT 3740 Global Entrepreneurship (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Animation Majors
- ANIM 2000 Advanced Animation (3 hours)
- ANIM 4000 Animation Seminar (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Audio in Media Arts Majors
- AUDI 2110 Professional Development 1 (3 hours)
- AUDI 4110 Professional Development 2 (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Dance Majors
- DANC 1410 Introduction to Professional Dance I (1 hour)
- DANC 1420 Introduction to Professional Dance II (2 hours)
- DANC 3150 Performance Techniques (2 hours)
- DANC 4900 Senior Seminar (1 hour)
Suggested Track for Education Majors
- EDUC 2800 Foundations in Education (3 hours)
- EDUC 3650 Instructional Design (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Exercise Science Majors
- EXSC 1318 Careers in Exercise Science (1 hour)
- EXSC 2100 Coaching Health and Human Performance (2 hours)
- EXSC 4875 Exercise Science Internship (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Film, Television and Video Production Majors
- FTVP 2100 Produce and Direct (3 hours)
- FTVP 4200 Senior Capstone A (3 hours)
or FTVP 4210 Senior Capstone B (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Graphic Design Majors
- DESN 3800 Professional Practice in Graphic Design (3 hours)
- DESN 4200 Design for Good (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Illustration Majors
- ART 4030 Senior Critique (3 hours)
- ART 4130 Professional Practice for Illustrators (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Music Majors
- MUSC 3000 Music Entrepreneurship (3 hours)
- MUSC 4370 Advanced Topics in Music Entrepreneurship (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Photography Majors
- MDST 2500 Professional Development in Media Careers (3 hours)
- MNGT 3600 Management in the Arts (3 hours)
Suggested Track for Studio Art Majors
- ART 4020 Professional Practice for Artists (3 hours)
- ART 4030 Senior Critique (3 hours)
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