CRIM - Criminal Justice |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Graduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
CRIM 5000 Ethics and Decision Making in Criminal Justice (3)
This course examines the scholarship on ethics and decision making in the criminal justice system, including lawmaking, lawbreaking, and law enforcement and the ethical dilemmas at each decision point in the system.
CRIM 5050 Organization and Administration of Criminal Justice (3)
This course examines the organization and administration of contemporary criminal justice systems, applying organizational theories to the analysis of criminal justice organizations in law enforcement, the court system, and corrections.
CRIM 5060 Policing and Law Enforcement (3)
This course reviews the history, theory, practice, legal environment, and ethics of police organization and subculture, including discretion, occupational socialization, police community relations, and occupational deviance.
CRIM 5070 Institutional and Community Corrections (3)
This course reviews the history, theory, practice, and legal environment of incarceration, diversions, community-based corrections, and the treatment of offenders.
CRIM 5100 Theories of Crime and Justice (3)
This course surveys major theoretical traditions analyzing the nature and causes of crime, crime typologies, offenders, and victims in the U.S. and globally. Prerequisite: CRIM 5000.
CRIM 5300 White Collar Crime (3)
This course distinguishes white collar crime from other kinds of crime and analyzes the investigation, adjudication, and regulation of white collar crime and fraud.
CRIM 5350 Computer Crime and Fraud (3)
This course examines the technical, social and legal aspects of criminal activity relying on computers or computer networks as a tool, target, or location of criminal activity, including computer crime, electronic crime, information crime, and virtual crime.
CRIM 5500 Topics in Criminal Justice (1-3)
This course provides an in-depth study of a specific area or issue in criminal justice. Topics vary each semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
CRIM 6000 Capstone (3)
The capstone course provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their mastery over the program-level learning outcomes in the criminal justice program by allowing students to develop a final research project in criminal justice or to conduct an evaluation of the process and impact of some aspect of the criminal justice system, such as a policy or program.
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