FINC - Finance |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Graduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
FINC 5000 Finance (3)
The student examines the general nature of financial management, the American financial system, taxes and the major financial decisions of corporations. Specific attention is given to present value and capital budgeting; risk and asset pricing; financial analysis and forecasting; financial decisions and market efficiency; and capital structure. Problem-solving methodology is used to illustrate the theories and tools in financial decision-making. Prerequisites: BUSN 5600 and BUSN 5760. (BUSN 5200 cannot be substituted for FINC 5000).
FINC 5100 Financial Modeling (3)
The student learns how to model and analyze financial topics in Microsoft Excel. The student understands interrelated topics in corporate finance and investments and can demonstrate this understanding through production of organized, functional three-statement spreadsheet models. These topics include financial statement analysis and forecasting. The student can use spreadsheet models to make effective and efficient financial decisions. There is an additional course fee of $42. Prerequisite: FINC 5000.
FINC 5210 Investments (3)
Principles and methods of investing in securities of business and government. This course is a study of practical management of portfolios containing both fixed-income and equity investments. The course will examine the issues in and the procedures for security analysis and portfolio management. The emphasis is on the application of analytical techniques and portfolio management theories for individual investors. Prerequisite: FINC 5100.
FINC 5810 Capital Budgeting and Corporate Investment (3)
The student examines the corporate investment decision process which includes working capital management, financial statement analysis, determination of cash flows, risk return analysis, forecasting and asset investment. Prerequisite: FINC 5100.
FINC 5830 Institutions and Financial Markets (3)
Students develop a unified framework for understanding financial intermediaries and markets. They examine the structure, regulation and operation of banking and non-banking financial institutions; analyze how central bank operations affect financial institutions; and develop an understanding of money and capital markets, the flow of funds through the economy, and the role of financial and futures markets. Prerequisite: FINC 5100.
FINC 5840 International Finance (3)
Course content focuses on the environment in which the international financial manager operates. Students study the risks of doing business overseas and the tools available to minimize those risks. Foreign exchange risk, political risk, working capital management, long-term investments and financing, and accounting and control are examined within this context. Prerequisite: FINC 5100.
FINC 5850 Issues in Finance (3)
Current and significant issues in finance are examined. The course focuses on existing theories and practices, with emphasis given to new and emerging topics in the field. Course may be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisite: FINC 5000.
FINC 5860 Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital (3)
The student examines the challenges of bringing new business and/or products to the marketplace and the strategies involved in obtaining a financing mix for these products. The focus is on designing a capital plan; seeking funds from external sources (such as venture capitalists); and the financing mix needed to make new product promotion successful. The role of the Small Business Administration is discussed.
FINC 5870 Derivatives (3)
This course shows how financial managers can use capital markets technology and explores how derivatives can be used to manage financial risks and position firms to exploit strategic opportunities, reduce financing costs and structure incentives. Students learn the mechanics of options, forwards, futures, and swaps, and study uses of these instruments. Prerequisites: FINC 5210, FINC 5880, and BUSN 5760 or equivalent.
FINC 5880 Advanced Corporate Finance (3)
This advanced study of corporate financial analysis and planning includes capital budgeting, cost of funds and capital structure and valuation. Selected topics that may be covered are leasing, mergers, takeovers, business failure, reorganization and liquidation. A combination of problem-solving and case study methodologies is used to illustrate theories and techniques helpful in financial analysis and planning. Prerequisite: FINC 5000.
FINC 5890 Financial Statement Analysis (3)
Interpretation, analysis and evaluation of financial reports from viewpoints of creditors, owners, investment firms and others concerned with business strengths or weaknesses. The impact of general business and specific industry situations, behavior of financial markets, credit or lending criteria, and equity investment standards as related to financial statements to determine present and future financial condition are covered. Prerequisite: FINC 5100.
FINC 5910 Advanced Investments and Portfolio Management (3)
This course is a continuation and expansion of FINC 5210, which provides an introduction to the area of investments. Focus in this advanced class will be on portfolio theory and management. Additional work on advanced derivatives topics will also be included. Prerequisite: FINC 5210.
FINC 6100 Corporate Finance Emphasis Exit Exam (0)
This course is an exit exam for students wishing to complete the corporate finance emphasis as part of their master of business administration degree. The course consists of a comprehensive online exam covering all learning objectives that are part of the corporate finance emphasis. There is an additional course fee of $42. This course is graded on a credit/no credit basis. This course may be repeated. Prerequisites: FINC 5880, FINC 5100, FINC 5810 (may be taken concurrently), FINC 5890 (may be taken concurrently).
FINC 6290 Mergers and Acquisitions (3)
This course will be a final, comprehensive finance offering with a focus on mergers and acquisitions. The course will make use of cases and/or simulations to enhance the real-world applicability of the finance degree and to integrate all previous coursework. There is an additional course fee of $42. Prerequisite: Completion of all other required courses for the MS in finance. May be taken concurrently with FINC 5840.
FINC 9950 Travel Course-Issues in Finance (3)
Current and significant issues in finance are examined. The course focuses on existing theories and practices, with emphasis given to new and emerging topics in the field. Course may be repeated for credit if content differs. This course includes a mandatory short-term travel component.
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