AUDI - Audio Production |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
Global Citizenship Program Knowledge Areas (....) |
ARTS | Arts Appreciation |
GLBL | Global Understanding |
PNW | Physical & Natural World |
QL | Quantitative Literacy |
ROC | Roots of Cultures |
SSHB | Social Systems & Human Behavior |
Global Citizenship Program Skill Areas (....) |
CRI | Critical Thinking |
ETH | Ethical Reasoning |
INTC | Intercultural Competence |
OCOM | Oral Communication |
WCOM | Written Communication |
** Course fulfills two skill areas |
AUDI 1000 Audio Production for Non-Majors (3)
The student examines the basics of audio recording, editing, sound mixing and special effects. The student is expected to work independently in the software Adobe Audition.
AUDI 1050 Introductory Topics in Audio (1-3)
Offered periodically to deal with topics in audio not covered by regularly offered courses. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
AUDI 1061 Steal This Music (3)
Through case study of controversies in the music industry, students learn about the cultures and institutions of music and the ethical considerations applied to creation, distribution, and consumption of music. Students learn to analyze both the context and the specifics of the ethical dilemmas facing music industry professionals, as well as the average person. Students learn to advocate for ethical individual and societal responses to resolve or address these dilemmas. GCP Coding: (SSHB) (ETH).
AUDI 1062 Songs of Protest: Words and Music in the Struggle for Change (3)
This course will survey the development of the "protest song" from the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st. The course will take an interdisciplinary approach to explore the synergy of words and music into a powerful communication tool in the struggle for change. It is not a course in music history or composition. Students will examine examples of protest songs and consider the song's socio/political impact, the life of its composer/performer, the ethical values expressed, and the song's place in history. Songs from social struggles including slavery, racial equality, the rise of labor unions, LGBTQ rights and anti-war protests will form the core of the course content. Although the course will focus on the protest song in America, it will also touch on its global role in other countries such as South Africa and Russia. The central question to be considered is "How have songs been used as a tool to effect social and political change and have they been effective?"
Course work includes weekly lectures, reading and listening assignments; participation in a discussion group; and writing projects that focus on analysis of songs and their role in social struggles in America and beyond. Course may be repeated if content varies. Content for this course does not vary significantly from term to term. GCP Coding: (SSHB) (WCOM).
AUDI 1063 Introduction to Podcasting (3)
Through the examination and analysis of podcasts, students explore the contexts and contents of this communication medium from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Students will learn introductory production techniques and develop skills necessary for successful podcast creation and distribution. In this course, each student will individually create and release a series of podcasts. GCP Coding: (ARTS) (OCOM).
AUDI 1064 Cinema Sound: From Talkies to THX (3)
Through the viewing and discussion of films, students learn about the technical history of film sound, and explore how the technologies available have changed directors' and sound engineers' creative choices, and ability to affect the overall experience, both historically and in contemporary film. Students will learn to analyze the soundtracks of film through discussion and independent viewing. Students will present their own analysis of the audio component of scenes from film and use relevant content to develop and explore ideas regarding the aesthetic choices or the soundtrack. GCP Coding: (ARTS) (WCOM).
AUDI 1110 Audio Technology Lecture (2)
The course provides an introduction to the technology, techniques and science employed in audio production, in a lecture format. Topics include basic acoustics, transducers (microphones and loudspeakers), mixing console function and operation, gain structure, signal path, fundamentals of digital audio, hearing preservation and jobs in the industry. Co-requisites: AUDI 1120 and AUDI 1130.
AUDI 1111 Two-Channel Recording (3)
The course begins the intermediate-level study of audio technology, integrating a deeper conversation into the aesthetic choices and techniques available to a sound engineer. Topics include stereo microphone technique, concert and location recording, subjective aesthetics and an introduction to critical listening. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1110.
AUDI 1120 Audio Technology Lab (2)
This course provides students with the opportunity to apply the concepts learned in AUDI 1110 to hands-on production work. Students are expected to work independently and in small groups both in the recording studio and in the field. Co-requisites: AUDI 1110 and AUDI 1130.
AUDI 1121 Signals and Systems (3)
This intermediate-level course provides students with an intensive investigation of audio signals and systems. Topics including audio signals, audio levels, gain structure, console layout and signal path will be reinforced through the study of the operation and architectural layout of a variety of mixing consoles. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1120.
AUDI 1130 Audio Technology Practicum (2)
This course introduces students to Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), as used in professional audio production. Building alongside the information learned in AUDI 1110 and AUDI 1120, this course provides students with the opportunity to develop skills in the use of DAWs, as well as skills used in setting up and mixing audio projects. Co-requisites: AUDI 1110 and AUDI 1120.
AUDI 1131 Digital Audio Workstations (3)
This intermediate-level course provides students with an intensive exploration into Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) and their use in multitrack mixing. Topics include intermediate DAW techniques such as routing, editing and manipulation, as well as developing students' abilities to subjectively evaluate results, and to assert individual creativity through mixing and the use of effects and enhancements. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1130.
AUDI 1630 Sound Design for Media (3)
This course provides and introduction to the techniques and principles used in the creation of sound designs for media-based projects. Emphasis will be placed on examining the individual elements within a sound design. Topics include types of sound effects, music sourcing and creation, deliverables and aesthetic analysis. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1000 or AUDI 1110, or concurrent enrollment in AUDI 1110.
AUDI 2110 Professional Development 1 (3)
This is the first in a series of two courses designed to help students develop professional skills and will address topics including familiarity with jobs in the audio field, portfolio development, business practices and tools for independent contractors. Additionally, through the process of building portfolios, students will reexamine work from previous classes. Through group discussion, students will learn ways to improve their projects and will implement these improvements for presentation at a portfolio review. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1131.
AUDI 2230 Introduction to Music Recording (3)
This course provides students with an introduction to modern studio multitrack recording techniques and practices. First, students will examine individual instruments and various microphone techniques in the studio setting. Later, students will work with groups of instruments, expanding to deal with issues of isolation and ensemble. Additional topics include subjective analysis of microphone techniques, blending and balancing various instrument combinations and familiarity with musical genres. Prerequisites: C- or better in AUDI 1121 and AUDI 1131.
AUDI 2410 On-Set and Field Recording (3)
In this class, students learn about the equipment and techniques used in recording audio for picture both on a soundstage and in the field. Students will learn to record to portable devices using shotgun microphones as well as wireless technology. Topics include live mixing, microphone technique, microphone concealment, working with talent, frequency coordination and pre-production. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1120 or AUDI 1630.
AUDI 2411 Foley and Effects Creation (3)
In this class, students learn techniques for creating and synchronizing sound effects to visual media projects. Students will record sound effects in the field and in the studio, as well as study the art of sound effect performance (Foley). Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1121 or AUDI 1630.
AUDI 2412 Dialog and Voice-Over Recording (3)
This intermediate level course focuses on post-production recording while working with spoken words in a modern voice-over/ADR production environment. Students will engage in documenting, recording, editing and re-recording dialog for forms of visual and non-visual media including live action motion picture, animation, game design and radio production. Topics include vocal recording and editing, collaborating with talent and automated dialog replacement. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1131 or AUDI 1630.
AUDI 2710 Acoustics (3)
This course provides students with an intermediate-level exploration of acoustics, focusing on musical acoustics and its application to audio production. Topics include periodic motion, vibration, general room acoustics, small vs. large room acoustics, reflections, reverberation, noise, absorption, diffusion, isolation, resonance, musical acoustics, spectral analysis, and brass, stringed and percussion instruments. Prerequisites:C or concurrent enrollment, in both AUDI 1110 and MUSC 1005..
AUDI 2840 Technical Ear Training 1 (2)
This course will, through a sequence of specific interactive listening exercises, develop and improve the student's aural sensitivity to small changes in sound quality. Students will train to identify spectral variables in sound, develop a stable reference in sound quality and spectral content, and develop his or her set of skills for identifying and discriminating between the spectral characteristics of musical instruments. In addition to the 1-hour mentoring session each week, the student will be required to individually complete training assignments in the technical ear training lab, averaging 3 to 4 hours of training per week. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1110.
AUDI 2841 Technical Ear Training 2 (2)
This course is the second in the sequence of technical ear training (TET) courses. The course builds on the timbral recognition and reference skills developed in AUDI 2840 Technical Ear Training 1, expanding to cover multiple concurrent filters and peak/dip differentiation. In addition to the 1-hour mentoring session each week, the student will be required to individually complete training assignments in the technical ear training lab, averaging 3 to 4 hours of training per week. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 2840.
AUDI 2845 Critical Listening (3)
This course will introduce students to a new way of listening to music. Students will learn to listen to music as frequencies and timber instead of the traditional notes and chords. Topics include, frequency analysis, song structure, tone recognition, equalization & compression recognition, modulation & time based effect recognition, and audio aesthetics. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1110.
AUDI 3150 Topics (1-3)
Offered periodically to deal with topics in audio not covered by regularly offered courses. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisite: May vary with topic.
AUDI 3210 Audio Facility Management and Operations (3)
Students learn about the entrepreneurial side of owning and running a recording studio business. Topics include booking time, establishing rates, hiring and firing, billing, equipment procurement, and relationships between owners, management, staff and engineers.
AUDI 3220 Analog Recording and Technology (3)
This course introduces the student to the world of analog audio recording, analog signal processing, direct-to-two-track and multitrack analog recording. The course combines technical material with hands-on experience, listening sessions, and discussion of the relationship between the technical and expressive realms. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 2230.
AUDI 3230 Music Recording (3)
This is an upper-level course in multitrack music recording, performed in a studio setting, which builds upon the work done in AUDI 2230. Students learn to perform the jobs of the various members of the recording team, including the role of engineer, assistant engineer, producer and tape operator. Emphasis is placed on advanced-level mixing and subjective evaluation of recordings. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 2230.
AUDI 3310 Live Audio Production 1 (3)
This course provides an introduction to live audio production and gives students the opportunity to apply many of the skills learned in AUDI 1121. Topics include sound system design, front-of-house mixing, system troubleshooting, wireless device coordination and an introduction to system measurement and optimization. Additionally, students in this class will assist students in AUDI 3311 with live sound reinforcement for a variety of events across campus. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 1121.
AUDI 3311 Live Audio Production 2 (3)
In this course, students will perform the duties of lead audio engineer for a variety of events across campus. To prepare students for these activities, class meetings will focus on intermediate-to-advanced live sound applications and techniques, event coordination, team leadership, and the design of systems for music reinforcement. Additional topics include system optimization, mixing monitors and mixing for music reinforcement. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 3310.
AUDI 3410 Post Production and Mixing (3)
This course focuses on the assembly and mixing of the audio component of a visual media project. Students work with pre-recorded materials to assemble, blend and synchronize mixes for both stereo and surround formats. Topics include balancing and blending audio for 2-channel and 5.1-channel reproduction, broadcast standards and practices and intermediate sound design skills. Prerequisites: C- or better in AUDI 2410 and AUDI 2411.
AUDI 3599 Independent Study (Juniors or Seniors) (1-12)
Independent Study involves research work on a specialized subject or project, artistic work, or study of an interdisciplinary nature. In contrast to a practicum, the emphasis in an independent study is usually on individual pursuit of a specific content area. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisite: Departmental permission and filing of official form.
AUDI 3720 Testing and Troubleshooting (3)
This course introduces students to intermediate-level testing and troubleshooting methods and practices. Topics include familiarity with test and measurement equipment, measurement techniques and diagnostic procedures, impulse response and frequency response measurements, system calibration and calibration standards, soldering and basic repair skills. Prerequisites: C- or better in AUDI 1111 and AUDI 1121.
AUDI 3840 Technical Ear Training 3 (2)
This course expands upon the full year of technical ear training (TET). The course builds on the timbral recognition and reference skills developed in TET, adding further complexity and resolution. Topics include expanding to cover multiple concurrent filters with multiple gain possibilities, very-low gain filters, 1/3-octave resolution with multiple filters, and vocal/speech performance. In addition to the 1-hour mentoring session each week, the student will be required to individually complete training assignments in either of the technical ear training labs, averaging 4 hours of training per week. Prerequisite: B- or better in AUDI 2841.
AUDI 4110 Professional Development 2 (3)
This is the second in a series of two courses designed to help students develop professional skills in preparation for careers in an audio field. Topics include portfolio development and presentation, professional organizations, networking, job searching, interviewing skills, and résumé preparation. Prerequisites: C- or better in AUDI 2110 and senior standing.
AUDI 4230 Studio Engineering 1 (3)
Students in this course will learn about the operation of a recording facility as they perform the role of engineer in various recording studios on campus. Engineers will be expected to facilitate recording sessions while leading assistant engineers, perform regular studio maintenance, attend weekly engineer meetings and perform other duties as needed in the operation of the studios. Prerequisites: C- or better in AUDI 2230 and senior standing.
AUDI 4231 Studio Engineering 2 (3)
Students in this course will gain an advanced understanding of the operation of a recording facility as they perform the role of a chief engineer/studio manager in various recording studios on campus. Students assume responsibility for the administration of the recording studios, including the maintenance, scheduling and operation of the audio facilities. Students will also be expected to facilitate recording sessions while leading engineers and assistant engineers and coordinate regular studio maintenance. Prerequisite: B- or better in AUDI 4230.
AUDI 4610 Readings in Audio (3)
May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisites: Departmental permission and filing of official form.
AUDI 4930 Sound Recording and Engineering Capstone (1-3)
This course represents the culmination of the sound recording and engineering program curriculum. Students will apply elements from all of the program-level learning outcomes in the major on a large-scale production project. Class meetings will focus on seminar-style group discussions on the progress of students' projects, choices made throughout the projects and challenges faced in the production process. Final deliverables include a hardcopy of the project media as well as a written paper documenting the process. Prerequisites: C- or better in AUDI 4230 and senior standing.
AUDI 4931 Audio in Media Arts Capstone (3)
This course represents the culmination of the audio in media arts program curriculum. Students will apply elements from all of the program-level learning outcomes in the major to a large-scale production project. Class meetings will focus on seminar-style group discussions on the progress of students' projects, choices made throughout the projects and challenges faced in the production process. Final deliverables include a hardcopy of the project media as well as a written paper documenting the process. Prerequisite: C- or better in AUDI 4230.
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