Undergraduate Course Descriptions |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
- ACCT - Accounting
- ADVT - Advertising
- AFCS - Africana Studies
- ANIM - Animation
- ANSO - Anthropology and Sociology
- ARHS - Art History
- ART - Art
- AUDI - Audio Production
- BIOL - Biology
- BUSN - Business
- CHEM - Chemistry
- CHIN - Chinese
- COAP - Computer Applications
- CONS - Conservatory Theatre Arts
- COSC - Computer Science
- CRIM - Criminology
- CSAI - Computer Science Artificial Intelligence
- CSIS - Computer Information Systems
- CSSS - Cybersecurity
- DANC - Dance
- DESN - Design
- ECON - Economics
- EDEX - Educational Experiences
- EDUC - Education
- ENGL - English
- EPMD - Electronic and Photographic Media
- ESLG - English as a Second Language
- ETHC - Ethics
- EXSC - Exercise Science
- FINC - Finance
- FLST - Film Studies
- FREN - French
- FTVP - Film, Television and Video Production
- GAME - Games and Game Design
- GLBC - Global Citizenship Program
- GNST - General Studies
- GRMN - German
- HIST - History
- HLSC - Health Science
- HRTS - Human Rights
- ILC - International Languages and Cultures
- INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
- INDZ- Individualized Learning
- INTL - International Relations
- INTM - Interactive Digital Media
- ISTL - Global Studies
- ITAL - Italian
- JAPN - Japanese
- JOUR - Journalism
- KEYS - Global Keystone Seminars
- LATN - Latin
- LEGL - Legal Studies
- MATH - Mathematics
- MDST - Media Studies
- MNGT - Management
- MTHT - Mathematics Education
- MUSC - Music
- MUTH - Musical Theatre
- NURS - Nursing
- PBRL - Public Relations
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHOT - Photography
- PHYS - Physics
- POLT - Political Science
- PSYC - Psychology
- RELG - Religious Studies
- SCIN - General Science
- SCPT - Scriptwriting
- SPAN - Spanish
- SPCM - Speech Communications
- SPTC - Sports Communication
- STAT - Statistics
- SUST - Sustainability Studies
- THEA - Theatre
- TRFR - French Translation
- TRGR - German Translation
- TRSL - Translation
- TRSP - Spanish Translation
- WGST - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- WRIT - Writing
- WSBT - Walker School
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Descriptions - Undergraduate Catalog PDF Archives